
Project Description

Basic chatting application made and designed by me.

Built with HTML, JS(jQuery), SCSS, Node.js

Anybody who has link can join.

Project Screen Shot

스크린샷 2022-09-03 오후 4 37 15

for the non-korean speakers

  • first box 닉네임 : nickname

    put your nickename before start chatting

  • button 전송 : send

    you can send your message with that button


  • What was the context for this project?

    Side project

  • What did you set out to build?

    For practicing Node.js

  • Why was this project challenging and therefore a really good learning experience?

    First time using socket.IO and heroku

  • What were some unexpected obstacles?

    1. If someone type too many things, it overflows the window.

    2. It send message even if the sending box is empty.

    3. It brokes sometimes when I open the link. Then I deploy again in Heroku.

  • What tools did you use to implement this project?

    Node.js Modules

    • express - build server
    • socketIO - real-time, bi-directional communication between web clients and servers
    • moment - date format