Welcome to Schedulely! Schedulely will help keep you and your team on time by allowing you to track and schedule meetings with your customers. Author: Jarred Harkness Contact: jharkn6@wgu.edu Version: 1.01 Date: 24th February, 2021 Developed with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2020.3.2, Java JDK 11.0.10, JavaFX SDK 11.0.2 How to run Schedulely: 1) Open source package in IntelliJ IDE. 2) Click Run -> Run Main 3) Login to the application using one of the following username: Username: test | Password: test Additional Report: Schedulely 1.01 comes with a new report! Now you are able to generate a report showing the total number appointments by type for each customer. Simply choose which customer you'd like to see the report for and it will be automatically generated below.
A sample application created for my advanced Java class. It allows sales agents to create new clients and schedule different types of appointments.