
A repository for programming language-related projects, practice, and research.

Primary LanguageJava


A basic program verification tool for the fun# programming language.


Verifies partial correctness of the fun# programming language, an extension of the fun imperative programming language as used in CS 429H, computer architecture at UT Austin. Utilizes backwards analysis (based on Floyd-Hoare logic). In particular, the fun# verifier:

  • Parses a given fun# program into an abstract syntax tree;
  • Computes the approximate weakest precondition of a set of assertions for a function;
  • Generates the verification conditions associated with said function;
  • Feeds the conditions into an SMT solver (provided by the JavaSMT API);
  • Outputs whether the program is verified (valid) or not.

Additions to fun

The fun# programming language has some additional constructs in addition to the usual assignments, conditional statements, and loops provided by the fun programming language:

  • Function preconditions, denoted by square brackets []
  • Loop invariants, denoted by square brackets []
  • A typing system with booleans and integers (WIP)

Future Additions

  • Automatic loop invariant finding
  • Implement Theory of Rationals
  • Implement Theory of Arrays
  • Allow for function calls and handle side effects
  • Handle types better

Using the Fun Verifier


This verifier relies on the JavaSMT API to solve first-order logic formulas. The JavaSMT API is retrieved and installed as a dependency through Apache Ivy at runtime.

Installation Instructions

To use the fun verifier:

  1. Install ant
  2. Install apache ivy


  1. Copy the target fun file into in.fun in the working directory.
  2. Run ant in the console to read the fun program, generate verification conditions, and feed them into the JavaSMT solver. Console outputs whether the program was verified or not. Optionally, run ant run_nosolver in the console to only generate verification conditions (doesn't feed them into an SMT solver).
  3. Program trace is printed to console; the final result will be written to result.out. Functions will either be verified (valid on all inputs) or unverified (cannot be determined). Unverified means that either: 1. the function is invalid 2. the function preconditions are not strong enough 3. the loop invariants are not strong enough