
:a: Display relations of a crud item

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Display relations of a crud item


links: [{
    // the template that is used for filter and table
    template: hbLogTemplateId,

    // the template that is used for the form (optional)
    // if not set the main template above is used.
    saveIn: 'templateId'

    // filter settings
    filter: {

        // prevent filter from loading data on init
        dontLoad: true,

        // set a custom html for the filter
        html: '/html/data/hb/link_filter_customer_log.html',

        // on dataSet update filter
        onDataSet: [{
            field: 'customer',
            operator: '=',
            value: '_id' // this is a key of the setData object

    // table settings
    table: {
        // define a event to show the form
        event: 'selectionChange',

        // tell form to get a item with this query
        query: {
            fieldA: '_id' // this is a key of the setData object
            fiedlB: '#_id' // this is a key of the selection object

    // show form dom element
    showForm: {

        // the selector for the dom element
        selector: 'button[name=showForm]',

        // the event-name for the dom event
        event: 'click',

        // set data on the form
        data: {
            customer: '_id', // this is a key of the setData object
            type: '#manual' // set a value in form



  • transferred the module to the new jxMono organization
  • updated Events to v0.4.0


  • Updated deps