
interesting images created by approximated solutions to the Traveling Salesman Problem

Primary LanguagePython


This is my implementation of creating Traveling Salesman Artwork with Weighted Voronoi Stipplings. Check out the writeup on my website here.

Here's what the files do:

art.py is the main file to run. It loads an image, stipples it, adjusts the stippling, and then finds a nearest-neighbor TSP solution to the system. It outputs to an output/ folder.

vstippler.py takes an image and generates a Weighted Voronoi Stippling for it.

dot_stippler.py takes the dotted version of an image and tidies it up - magnifies it and replaces the single-pixel dots with larger circles for nicer effect.

greedy_tsp.py takes the image of dots and connects them all via a Traveling Salesman Approximation.