
WIP Hyperminimal Gatsby theme for building blogs with MDX

Used in https://jxnblk.com/blog

npm i @jxnblk/gatsby-theme-mdx-blog



The blog can be completely themed using Theme UI.



The following options can be passed to the theme in your site's gatsby-config.js file.

// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: '@jxnblk/gatsby-theme-mdx-blog',
      options: {
        name: 'writing',
        path: 'src/content',
        pageSize: 16,
  • name: path for rendered pages in your site, default ''
  • path: path for source folder of MDX blog posts, default src/posts
  • pageSize: number of posts to display per page

⚠️ if you change the path, make sure you have content already since gatsby relies on having content to generate the frontmatter properly.

MIT License