
React component to PNG converter

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React component to PNG converter, built with Puppeteer

npm i -g repng
repng Icon.js --width 512 --height 512 --out-dir assets
  $ repng <ReactComponent>

  -d --out-dir    Directory to save file to
  -f --filename   Specify a custom output filename
  -w --width      Width of image
  -h --height     Height of image
  -p --props      Props in JSON format (or path to JSON file) to pass to the React component
  -t --type       Type of output (png default) (pdf, jpeg or png)
  --css           Path to CSS file to include
  --webfont       Path to custom webfont for rendering
  --puppeteer     Options for Puppeteer in JSON format


MIT License