
A beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


{% if site.data.repositories.github_users %}

{% for user in site.data.repositories.github_users %} {% include repository/repo_user.html username=user %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% if site.repo_trophies.enabled %} {% for user in site.data.repositories.github_users %} {% if site.data.repositories.github_users.size > 1 %}

{{ user }}

{% endif %}
{% include repository/repo_trophies.html username=user %}
{% endfor %} {% endif %}

{% if site.data.repositories.github_repos %}

{% for repo in site.data.repositories.github_repos %} {% include repository/repo.html repository=repo %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} ```


A variety of beautiful theme colors have been selected for you to choose from. The default is purple, but you can quickly change it by editing the --global-theme-color variable in the _sass/_themes.scss file. Other color variables are listed there as well. The stock theme color options available can be found at _sass/variables.scss. You can also add your own colors to this file assigning each a name for ease of use across the template.

Social media previews

al-folio supports preview images on social media. To enable this functionality you will need to set serve_og_meta to true in your _config.yml. Once you have done so, all your site's pages will include Open Graph data in the HTML head element.

You will then need to configure what image to display in your site's social media previews. This can be configured on a per-page basis, by setting the og_image page variable. If for an individual page this variable is not set, then the theme will fall back to a site-wide og_image variable, configurable in your _config.yml. In both the page-specific and site-wide cases, the og_image variable needs to hold the URL for the image you wish to display in social media previews.

Atom (RSS-like) Feed

It generates an Atom (RSS-like) feed of your posts, useful for Atom and RSS readers. The feed is reachable simply by typing after your homepage /feed.xml. E.g. assuming your website mountpoint is the main folder, you can type yourusername.github.io/feed.xml

Related posts

By default, there will be a related posts section on the bottom of the blog posts. These are generated by selecting the max_related most recent posts that share at least min_common_tags tags with the current post. If you do not want to display related posts on a specific post, simply add related_posts: false to the front matter of the post. If you want to disable it for all posts, simply set enabled to false in the related_blog_posts section in _config.yml.


Contributions to al-folio are very welcome! Before you get started, please take a look at the guidelines.

If you would like to improve documentation, add your webpage to the list below, or fix a minor inconsistency or bug, please feel free to send a PR directly to master. For more complex issues/bugs or feature requests, please open an issue using the appropriate template.


Our most active contributors are welcome to join the maintainers team. If you are interested, please reach out!


Rohan Deb Sarkar

Amir Pourmand



The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Originally, al-folio was based on the *folio theme (published by Lia Bogoev and under the MIT license). Since then, it got a full re-write of the styles and many additional cool features.