
A series of projects to examine real life pyreverse behavior across a variety of project designs.

Primary LanguagePython


A series of projects to examine real life pyreverse behavior across a variety of project designs.

Single File Project No __init__.py file

In this folder single_file_proj_no_init there is a single python module and within a folder that has no __init__.py file present (ie namespace only package).

If we run pyreverse on this folder without anything else specified we attain the following

>pyreverse single_file_proj_no_init
parsing single_file_proj_no_init\__init__.py...
Failed to import module __init__ with error:
No module named __init__.

However if we instead single out the specific file in that folder we can get things to work as expected.

>pyreverse single_file_proj_no_init\source.py 
parsing single_file_proj_no_init\source.py...

There is no indication of output from the console other than the presence of a new file classes.dot in the cwd.

This file has the following contents

digraph "classes" {
"source.LeafClass" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="{LeafClass|m_dbl : float\lm_dict : dict\lm_int : int\lm_list : list\ls_str : str\l|}", shape="record", style="solid"];

We can export this to an svg file with the following command

python gen_svg.py