
follower maze challenge using rust

Primary LanguageRust

Follower maze challenge using rust

Actions Status

The challenge solved here is to build a system which acts as a socket server, reading events from an event source and forwarding them when appropriate to user clients.

Clients connect through TCP and use the simple protocol described in a section below. There are two types of clients connecting to the server:

  • One event source: This sends a stream of events which may or may not require clients to be notified
  • Many user clients: Each one representing a specific user, these wait for notifications for the events that are relevant to the user they represent

A full specification is given in the instructions-v1.md or instructions-v2.md. This implementation is compatible with both v1 and v2.

This project was first implemented with tokio 0.1 and futures 0.1 evolving with them to std::futures and tokio 1.0.
You can navigate through the commit history to see it's evolution


  1. start the solution with cargo run --release
  2. run ./followermaze-v2.sh