
王者荣耀比赛服务器rust actix后端

Primary LanguageRust


This is an easy actix-web project.Just lottery hero for HOK. And same logic project clean architecture

I have kotlin SpringBoot project as some logic hok-lottery


See the API documentation pages for more info.


See lottery sql info for more sql info


  1. Create database and tables, you can see it by lottery sql. this can be done in the terminal, then input your mysql root password four times.:


    If you don't want to test sql and use the shell script, you can create mysql database and use:

    mysql -u root -p lottery < ./sql/lottery.sql
  2. Create a .env file in this directory:


    or use shell script:

    echo "SERVER_ADDR=" >> .env
    echo "DATABASE_URL=mysql://<username>:<password>@localhost:3306/lottery" >> .env
    echo "DATABASE_URL_TEST=mysql://<username>:<password>@localhost:3306/lottery_test" >> .env

    Maybe you shouldn't use test db, then you can delete the test db shell script and env content.

  3. Run the server cargo run

architecture overview

my actix The Layered Architecture:

├── app_state.rs
├── controller
│  ├── mod.rs
│  ├── pick.rs
│  └── reset.rs
├── creat_app.rs
├── lib.rs
├── main.rs
├── model
│  ├── hero.rs
│  ├── log.rs
│  ├── mod.rs
│  ├── my_result.rs
│  ├── post_param.rs
│  ├── team.rs
│  └── team_query.rs
├── repository
│  ├── hero.rs
│  ├── log.rs
│  ├── mod.rs
│  └── team.rs
├── service
│  ├── mod.rs
│  ├── pick.rs
│  └── reset.rs
└── test
    ├── mod.rs
    ├── test_pick_controller.rs
    └── test_team_repository.rs

testing support

To run the tests, you can go src/test and use the following command:

cargo test