
Imitation Learning Homework 1

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

CS294-112 HW 1: Imitation Learning

Dependencies: TensorFlow, MuJoCo version 1.31, OpenAI Gym

The only file that you need to look at is run_expert.py, which is code to load up an expert policy, run a specified number of roll-outs, and save out data.

In experts/, the provided expert policies are:

  • Ant-v1.pkl
  • HalfCheetah-v1.pkl
  • Hopper-v1.pkl
  • Humanoid-v1.pkl
  • Reacher-v1.pkl
  • Walker2d-v1.pkl

The name of the pickle file corresponds to the name of the gym environment.

How to Run the Code

The code depends on TensorFlow r12.0.

Simply run

bash run_all.sh

Several new folders will be generated and you can find all the figures under figures directory.