
Example GraphQL API implemented in Go and backed by Postgresql

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Example GraphQL API implemented in Go and backed by Postgresql

How to run it

To run this project you need to:

  • install golang, see this guide
  • install Masterminds/glide which is a package manager for golang projects.
  • install all the dependencies for this project: glide install, glide will store all dependencies in /vendor folder.
  • install postgresql (for ubuntu follow this guide). For this application, I created a postgresql user called vagrant with vagrant as password and the database called graphql, but of course you can change these settings in ./migrate.sh and in ./main.go files.
  • install mattes/migrate which is a tool to create and run migrations against sql databases.
  • run the migrations which will create the database tables and indexes ./migrate.sh up. If you ever want to clean up the the database run ./migrate.sh down then ./migrate.sh up again.


This application exposes a single endpoints /graphql which accepts both mutations and queries. The following are examples of curl calls to this endpoint:

curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d 'mutation {createUser(email:"1@x.co"){id, email}}'
curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d 'mutation {createUser(email:"2@y.co"){id, email}}'
curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d 'mutation {follow(follower:1, followee:2)}'
curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d 'mutation {unfollow(follower:1, followee:2)}'
curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d '{user(id:2){followers{id, email}}}'
curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d '{user(id:1){followers{id, email}}}'
curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d '{user(id:2){follower(id:1){ email}}}'
curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d '{user(id:1){followees{email}}}'
curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d '{user(id:1){followee(id:2){email}}}'
curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d 'mutation {createPost(user:1,title:"p1",body:"b1"){id}}'
curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d 'mutation {createComment(user:1,post:1,title:"t1",body:"b1"){id}}'
curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d 'mutation {removeComment(id:1)}'
curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d 'mutation {removePost(id:1)}'
curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d '{user(id:1){post(id:2){title,body}}}'
curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d '{user(id:1){posts{id,title,body}}}'
curl -XPOST http://vm:8080/graphql -d '{user(id:1){post(id:2){user{id,email}}}}'