This project implements a small size distributed database, complete with multiversion concurrency control, deadlock detection, replication, and failure recovery.
According to the requirement, there are two kinds of transactions.
Read-Only Transaction
- It uses multi-version.
- It only reads from the copy version when the transaction starts
- If there are no available copies for read (such as all sites contains variableToValue are down), then the operation will wait
Read-Write Transaction
- It uses strict two phase locking.
- Acquire locks as the program goes, release locks at end and acquire all locks before releasing any.
- A variable can't get the exclusive lock when it already has a read lock.
- A variable can't get any other locks when it already has an exclusive lock.
- A variable can have multiple read locks.
- It uses instructors' available copies algorithm.
- Available copies allows writes and commits to just available sites. So if site A is down, its last committed value of x may be different from site B which is up.
- It has deadlock detection.
- Detect deadlocks using cycle detection and abort the youngest transaction in the cycle.
- Some sites will fail and recover during the program.
- Transaction will abort if site it chose to read or write from fails later but before commit.
- When the site recovers, unreplicated copy will be available immediately and replicated will be available after next write commit change.
- For the same transaction has read and write on the same variable on the same site, it is allowed.
- It uses strict two phase locking.
- Single command for one transaction each line of input
- The input will not have the command for the transaction while the one command is in the waitlist.
In transaction manager, since it's a small database, so we store all global information in the transaction manager.
/* all information in database.* /
private Database db;
/* variable collection */
private Map<String, Variable> variableMap;
/* variable collection */
private Map<Integer, Site> siteMap; //site collection
/* transaction collection */
private Map<String, Transaction> transactionMap;
/* used to record transaction age */
private List<String> transactionAge;
/* Version collection */
private Map<Integer, Version> multiVersion;
/* increments when any transaction commits */
private int latestVersionNumber;
/* command can't be executed right now are put into waitlist */
private List<String> waitList;
/* after this tick, still some commands still can't be executed are accumulated. */
private List<String> nextWaitList;
- In transaction Manager, we take each line of inputs from the file and then feed it to corresponding functions.
- In transaction Manager, we do deadlock detection when every tick starts and then check commands in the waitlist, and at last we execute the new command in the new tick.
- As for other classes
public class Database {
private List<Site> sites;
public class Transaction {
private List<Lock> locks;
private List<History> transactionHistory;
private int versionNumber;
private String transactionName;
public class Site {
private int siteNumber;
private List<Variable> variables;
private boolean available;
private Set<Transaction> involvedTransactions;
public class Lock {
private String variable;
private int siteNumber;
private String type;
public class Variable {
private int number;
/* map stores on siteNumber, ValueInfo */
private Map<Integer, VariableInfo> siteToVariableMap;
public class VariableInfo {
private int value;
/* when site fails, canRead is false. when the site recover,
only odd variable canRead = true, even variable canRead = true after new commit */
private boolean canRead;
private int readLock;
private boolean writeLock;
public class Version {
private int versionNumber;
/* variable's value at this version */
private Map<String, Integer> variableToValue;
/* this version can only be read from what sites */
private Map<String, List<Integer>> variableToSite;
public class History {
private String type;
private String variableName;
private int value;
private List<Integer> sites;
You can use standard input or input files to test the program.
Under src folder, compile all java files.
$ javac edu/nyu/advdb/*.java
Run the program using standard input.
$ java edu.nyu.advdb.Application
Run the program with input files.
$ java edu.nyu.advdb.Application ../input/test1.txt ../input/test2.txt ...
- Juanlu Yu (jy2234)
- Mengna Qiu (mq438)
- Thanks for Professor Dennis Shasha ('s Advanced Database System Course.