
dbt Transformations for NBA ELT Project

Primary LanguageSQL

Deployment Tests

Version: 3.1.0

dbt Resources for NBA Project

Running The App

Clone the Repo & run make up which will spin up a Postgres Container w/ bootstrapped data to test the project with.

From there you can use Poetry to setup a local Environment w/ the appropriate dbt Packages by running poetry install.

You must also have a ~/.dbt/profiles.yml setup with the following Config:

      type: postgres
      host: localhost
      port: 5432
      dbname: jacob_db
      schema: public
      user: postgres
      password: postgres

When finished run make down to spin the Postgres Container down.


To run tests locally, run make test

The same test suite runs on every commit to a PR via GitHub Actions

NBA Project


  1. Links to other Repos providing infrastructure for this Project