TAPS example

  1. Replace export/Source/PEARC24-110.tex with your own tex file
  2. Replace export/Source/references.bib with your own bib file
  3. Replace export/Source/figs with your own figures or remove
  4. Update export/Source/make.sh with the correct main value (basename of your tex file).
  5. From the export/Source/ directory, run ./make.sh
  6. Review the new pdf in export/pdf. If changes need to be made, update the tex, bib, figure, other file(s) and go back to step 4.
  7. Update the two variables at the top of export/mkzip.sh to reflect your proceedings and paper.
  8. From the export/ directory, run export/mkzip.sh.
  9. Upload the new zip to TAPS and wait for feedback.

Common TAPS rendering issues

  • Make sure that your \documentclass options match what the conference requires. For instance, PEARC24 requires \documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}
  • Make sure that your bib works with natbib. This is used by the included compiler.
  • Make sure that you are using the right bibliography style. PEARC24 requires \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}.
  • Don't stray too far with unsupported ACM packages. newfloat broke the compile for me.
  • Make sure the acknowledgement section matches conference guidelines. For PEARC, use \begin{acks}...\end{acks} environment.