React component to display and process nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra.
Maintained by Zakodium
Use it
Visit https://www.nmrium.org for examples of usage.
Use as a library in a React project
Install the package
npm install nmrium
OpenChemLib version
This module makes use of openchemlib/full
If you use OpenChemLib somewhere else in your project, make sure to also import
from openchemlib/full
to avoid having multiple OCL versions in your bundle.
Use the component
import NMRium from 'nmrium';
function MyComponent() {
return <NMRium />;
Development and testing
See General information for NMRium development.
There is an automatic build on each commit. You can test the latest build from master
Want to play ? You can do some 1D NMR exercises ;)
Also you can do some 2D NMR exercises ;)
You can do some 1D NMR tests/ exams ;)
If you have jcamps accessible from an URL and that your server allow cross-origin you can directly open your file in the demo application:
Link loading the default samples test cases
You can debug Data and onDataChange callback ;)
Install and test locally
git clone https://github.com/cheminfo/nmrium.git
cd nmrium
npm i
npm start