
End-to-End testing for the Fineo platform. Wraps a number of different projects into a cohensive whole

Primary LanguageRuby




  1. https://rvm.io/
  2. Download a release of spark into ext/ and connect the symlink. (Recommended)[http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/spark/spark-1.6.2/spark-1.6.2-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz]


Kick off tests normally with the test.sh script. If you have all the other Fineo projects installed in the directory above the current directory (and built with -Ddeploy) then this should just work.

Standalone instance

You might want a standalone instance of the readerator/drill/dynamo with a little bit of data in it. In that case, run:

$ ./test.sh  --pattern `pwd`/standalone/*rb

When it is ready, the console will display the necessary connection information.