
💄 Siftora is a digital inventory of all your makeup. Keep track of what you have, what you need to use up, and what is worthy of a repurchase during that Spring Sale!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


💄 Project Description

Siftora provides a convenient way for users to keep a digital inventory of all their makeup products. Products are organized into user-named "bins" and can be sorted by a variety of fields, including price, expiry date, and product use.

Take a look: https://siftora.netlify.app

siftora-mobile-screenshots siftora-desktop-screenshots


🗺 Planning

User Stories

  • As a user, I want to add a product to more than one bin so that I can have an all-inclusive bin and a bin for when I travel.
  • As a user, I want to sort products by field so that I can see what products are expiring soon or what brands I tend to purchase from.
  • As a user, I want to add photos so that I can easily reference them when I am deciding on a shade in store.

Original Wireframes


👩‍💻 Technologies

This frontend React application utilizes JSX, React-Bootstrap, React Router, a custom React hook, localStorage, as well as Axios (for fetching data from the Siftora API).

🛠 Installation

  1. Fork and clone this repository, and change into the new siftora-frontend directory.
  2. Install the required dependencies with npm install and open the project in your code editor.
  3. Run npm start to start your React server, and ta-da! You're in. Happy sifting!

🤝 Contribution

There is always room for improvement! If you have any suggestions, please submit an issue or create a pull request.

✨ Thank you so much for your interest in Siftora! ✨