
This is the official repository for the paper Benchmarking Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification with Satellite Images and Attention-based Deep Models. You can find the code to reproduce all the experiment results, including 4 ablation study models for rapid intensification prediction.

Model vanilla CCA SSA CCA + SSA
PR-AUC 0.951 0.963 0.951 0.961
Heidke skill score 0.159 0.164 0.161 0.152


You can install the recommended environment as follows:

conda env create -f env.yml -n cyclone

The pretrained model weights needed to be combined as follows:

cd ./pretrained_models
chmod +x

Quick Start

Data preparation

The data needs to first be downloaded from here. The data paths in config.yaml needs to then be updated according to the path of the data. The config files are located in the specific model directories in ./pretrained_models.


To train the model, run

python --exp [config.yaml]

The default config files can be found in the individual pretrained model directories in ./pretrained_models.


To evaluate model performance, run

python --model_dir [pretrained_model_dir] --models [model_1,model_2,...,model_n]

For instance to evaluate the pretrained models, run

python --model_dir ./pretrained_models --models ConvLSTM,ConvLSTM_CCA,ConvLSTM_SSA,ConvLSTM_CCA_SSA


Please cite our work if you use this repo.

  author = {Ching-Yuan Bai and Buo-Fu Chen and Hsuan-Tien Lin},
  title = {Benchmarking Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification
                  with Satellite Images and Attention-based Deep
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Conference on
                  Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of
                  Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD)},
  month = sep,
  year = 2020,
  data = {},
  pdf = {},
  preliminary = {A preliminary version appeared in the Workshop on
                  Machine Learning for Earth Observation @ ECML/PKDD