
Sketch Library Thumbnail Preview Icon Template Freebie

DOWNLOAD Sketch Library Thumbnail Preview Icon Template v1.0

Preview of Template & Preferences Panel Library Preview: sketch-library-thumbnail-preview-icon-v1-0_example


Here’s how to create a thumbnail preview image for your custom Sketch Library files. Library preview image icons are 100x80p in the preferences window: this template is designed at @2x (200x160) which appeared to display well on retina monitor.

  1. Copy* the “Library Preview” Page, with its one Artboard, from this template document into your Sketch Library file. (You could also begin your library development within a copy of this document)
  2. Customize the preview artwork within the “Library Preview” Artboard - do NOT include any other artboards or artwork on the Page
  3. When your library file is ready to add to Sketch** be sure to navigate to your “Library Preview” page so that it’s in view when you Save your document (Sketch previews the last active page)
  4. When you add your custom library to Sketch, your new thumbnail preview icon will display

*To copy a page from doc to another: Open documents separately (not in tabs), so you can see page panel from both. Drag the desired page from source to the page area of the destination

**See Sketch help “Adding Libraries” (

Credts: Inspired by “Customising the Sketch Library Preview Image — beta” by @irishstu (