Sketch Library Thumbnail Preview Icon Template Freebie
DOWNLOAD Sketch Library Thumbnail Preview Icon Template v1.0
Preview of Template & Preferences Panel Library Preview:
Here’s how to create a thumbnail preview image for your custom Sketch Library files. Library preview image icons are 100x80p in the preferences window: this template is designed at @2x (200x160) which appeared to display well on retina monitor.
- Copy* the “Library Preview” Page, with its one Artboard, from this template document into your Sketch Library file. (You could also begin your library development within a copy of this document)
- Customize the preview artwork within the “Library Preview” Artboard - do NOT include any other artboards or artwork on the Page
- When your library file is ready to add to Sketch** be sure to navigate to your “Library Preview” page so that it’s in view when you Save your document (Sketch previews the last active page)
- When you add your custom library to Sketch, your new thumbnail preview icon will display
*To copy a page from doc to another: Open documents separately (not in tabs), so you can see page panel from both. Drag the desired page from source to the page area of the destination
**See Sketch help “Adding Libraries” (
Credts: Inspired by “Customising the Sketch Library Preview Image — beta” by @irishstu (