Server for the local multiplayer hangman, a toy network project


To run this project you only need to have installed the programming language zig and run:

zig build run


The player must get the word right, the first to do so will be the winner. The player has a limited number of tries before he loses, the amount of tries depends on the difficulty If player guess word wrong then he loses, if he guess it right he wins


  • user register player_name register a player, checks if player_name is unique and returns a player_uuid
  • user logout player_uuid unregister a player
  • room create room_name player_uuid difficulty returns the room_uuid the difficulty is defined by D, the creator is automatically inserted into the room
  • room exit room_uuid player_uuid player exist the room, if it is the creator then the room is deleted
  • room list all returns all the available rooms waiting
  • room join room_uuid player_uuid join given room
  • room send_msg room_uuid player_uuid message player sends message to all players in given room
  • room kick room_uuid player_uuid player_index creator can kick player at player_index
  • room start_game room_uuid player_uuid creator of the room starts a game, notify the players that the game started game_uuid
  • game guess_letter game_uuid player_uuid L player guess letter L, if successful continues to play, otherwise loses a life and another player gets his chance
  • game player_index game_uuid player_uuid get player_index at given game_uuid
  • game exit game_uuid player_uuid signalizes that player_uuid of game game_uuid
  • game guess_word game_uuid player_uuid WORD player guess the WORD, if successful player wins, otherwise loses all his tries and stays as spectator

Game events emitted

Clients must receive those

  • game ended
  • player state changed
  • player joined a room, signal sent to the members of the rooms
  • current player changed
  • player guessed letter/word