
John Ahn's React, Node Project

Primary LanguageHTML

I used

React, Redux, NodeJs, MongoDB, AntDesign
react-app-polyfill => Also available in IE11

Getting started

  1. Download this project
    1-1. you must join mongodb ( https://www.mongodb.com/ )
  2. Change directory to boiler-plate
    2-1. move server/config and create dev.js ans export your mongoURI
    ex. module.exports = { mongoURI: 'yourMongoURI' }
  3. $ npm install, change directory to client and $ npm install
  4. Change directory to boiler-plate
  5. $ npm run dev (will start nodeServer, connect mongodb, appear hompage)
  6. If the homepage doesn't appear you need to connect to localhost:3000

Screen shot


This project was built on the basis of John Ahn's React + Node project.