
A matlab experiment manager to select models or classifiers easily.

Primary LanguageMatlabGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This project aims to provide a simple way to select models (or specifically classifiers).


  • You can organize classifiers, preprocessors and parameter spaces.
  • You can easily ensemble them according to cases.
  • Lastly, you can create a experiment manager and run in one call.


  1. Add path of MatExManager.
  2. Prepare basic elements of your models (classifiers, preprocessors and parameter spaces) in ClassifierProvider, PreprocessorProvider and ModelParamProvider.
  3. Create your ModelProvider where you can ensemble classifiers, preprocessors and parameter spaces. Alternatively, there is a minimal demo to do this.
  4. Provide your data inside
  5. Run all methods provided in ModelProvider or see more in demo:
EM = ExperimentManager ( datasetName, options ); % Init with data set and options.
EM.setup(); % set up 
EM.runAll(); % Run all required methods.
results = EM.outputResults(); % Get formatted results.



This class implement two methods inside: getNames and getModelByName. Practically, you need to create a subclass of ModelProvider and implement all abstract methods. You can modify the file, ModelProvider.m, to add your own models.


We want to provide a model who uses SVM as classifier, process data into RBF-kernel matrix.

Easily, you can see the simple demo in DemoModelProvider where all functions you need to modify is enclosed here. However, we recommend a more organized way to store these functions.

Step 1: define the string name of the model as svm_rbf.

function names = getNames ()
    names =  {'svm_rbf', % SVM classifier with RBF kernel

Step 2: provide the elements of the model.

function [preprocessor, classifier, modelParam] = getModelByName ( name, options )
    switch name
        case 'svm_rbf'
            modelParam   = ModelParamProvider.svm_rbf(options);
            classifier   = @ClassifierProvider.svm;
            preprocessor = @PreprocessorProvider.kernel_preprocessor;

The three outputs should be formatted as

  • preprocessor (function handler): newdata = fun (data) where struct newdata should contain three fields: X, Y, test_X, test_Y as training data&label, testing datta&label.
  • classifier (function handler): [ W, test_err, train_err ] = fun (data) where
    • data is a struct with fields like: data.X.K, data.Y, data.test_X.K, data.test_Y, data.options;
    • W is model, e.g. matrix of classifier coeficients.
    • test_err, train_err: test/train error rate on the test set.
  • modelParam (ModelParam object): See ModelProvider for how to generate a model parameter space easily.


A class to provide data. You need to create a subclass of DataProvider and implement all abstract methods. See data provider demo.

function loaded = load_from_file (DP)
% Load from file and return data in struct 'loaded'.
% You can customize the function to adapt your file format.

function [X, test_X, Y, test_Y] = process_data (DP, ds)
% You can customize the function to adapt your data format.
% For example, you can slice the data dimension.


This class provides sets of preprocessors for feature extraction, kernel computing and etc. An example computing kernel matrixes:

function newdata = kernel_preprocessor (data)
% cell array of data vectors -> kernel matrix.
	% Kernel function handler
	ker_fh = @(x1, x2) exp(-gam* sum((x1 - x2).^2));

	% compute kernel
	[ newdata.X, newdata.test_X, newdata.Y, newdata.test_Y ] = ...
		compute_kernel ( ker_fh, data );

It is noticable that you have to make the data newdata.X as a cell array or a struct containing a kernel matrix. This is because the experiment manager can only make cross-validation partition available for these two formats.


To make different classifier adapt to the experiment manager, you need to write a function to make the transformation. An example of SVM:

function [ W, test_err, train_err ] = svm (data)
    % process options
    if isfield(data, 'options'); options = data.options; else; options = []; end;
    [C] = process_options (options, 'C', 1);
    % Call the real SVM
    [ test_err, train_err, W ] = svm_none ( data.X.K, data.Y, data.test_X.K, data.test_Y, ...
                                           struct('C', C) );


This class provide static methods to return ModelParam objects which enclose the whole parameter space for model selection. A simple demo:

function [ modelParam ] = svm_rbf ( options )
    % Create a ModelParam with parameter space. Format: {'name', range, 'name', range, ...}
	modelParam = ModelParam({'C', power(10, -4:5), ... 
	                         'gam', power(10, 0:-1:-4)}); 

where we yield two parameter spaces named C and gam.