
Simulated annealing algorithm for detecting community structure in binary data

Primary LanguageC++

Community detection using Minimally Complex Models: Simulated annealing algorithm

This program allows to find community structures in binary data of up to 128 variables by using inference based on a class of spin models (maximum entropy models for binary data) called Minimally Complex Models (MCM). It is an alternative to another algorithm that can be found here: https://github.com/clelidm/MinCompSpin_Greedy. Details about MCMs can also be found there.

The algorithm works by calculating the log-evidence $\log E$ for a given initial partition $C_i$ (community structure). It then proposes slight changes to the partition and calculates the difference in log-evidence $\Delta \log E$. If the new partition $C_{i+1}$ has a larger log-evidence $\Delta \log E > 0$, the new partition is accepted. If not, the partition is still accepted with probability $P(C_{i+1}=C_i)\sim \exp(\Delta \log E/T_A)$ where $T_A$ is the annealing temperature. This parameter controls how likely the new partition is accepted. At large values, this prevents getting stuck in local optima. During the search the annealing temperature is gradually lowered allowing the algorithm to converge to an optimal solution. This is done according to a logarithmic cooldown schedule where the annealing temperature at iteration $i$ is given by $T_A(i)=T_0/(1+\log(1+i))$. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulated_annealing for more details.

The algorithm can change the partition in three ways:

  • merge: two communities are merged into a single community
  • split: a single community is split into two communities (not necessarily of the same size)
  • switch: a node from one community is placed inside another community


The code uses C++ version 11.



The code can be compiled using the compile.bat batch file in the main folder. This creates an saa.exe executable file in the ./bin folder. Alternatively, the code can be compiled using the command g++ -std=c++11 -O3 -Wall ./src/*.cpp -o ./bin/saa.exe. There is an additional batch file compile_and_run.bat which is useful for testing purposes. It compiles the code and then runs an analysis. This file also shows the use of the optional flags --max and --stop.

Linux / macOS

The code can be compiled using the command g++ -std=c++11 -O3 -Wall ./src/*.cpp -o ./bin/saa.out.


A tutorial in the form of a jupyter notebook has been provided in the ./doc/ directory.

Running the code

The code is run from the executable file saa.exe (on Windows) or saa.out (on Linux/Mac) in the bin folder. The program should be called with the number of variables n and the filename of the dataset as required arguments. The data is assumed to be in the ./input/data folder and should end with .dat extension. The data should be encoded as binary strings, e.g. 11001110010 which are read from right to left. The maximum number of variables is 128.

  • To see an example, run the run.bat batch file from the main folder (on Windows).

How to use:

The ./input/data folder contains several example datasets on 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 variables. The ./input/comms folder contains initial partitions for 20 and 100 variables.

To analyse the dataset ./input/data/DATAFILE_NAME.dat run the command (for Linux/Mac, replace .exe with .out):

saa.exe n -i DATAFILE_NAME

where n is the number of variables and the flag -i should be followed by the name of the dataset (without the .dat extension).

In this case, the initial partition is a random partition. Optionally, to load an initial partition, use:


This partition should be located in the ./input/comms folder and have the name PARTITION_NAME.dat. By default, the program runs for 50k iterations and stops early if there has been no improvement in the log-evidence for 10k iterations. These parameters can be changed by using the --max and --stop flags. For example, to perform a maximum of 4500 iterations and stop early after 2250 "unsuccessful" iterations, use:

saa.exe n -i DATAFILE_NAME --max 4500 --stop 2250


The best partition found is written to ./output/comms/DATAFILE_NAME_comms.dat. The associated best log-evidence is written to ./output/stats/DATAFILE_NAME_stats.dat.


If the best partition found divides 20 variables in the following way: [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8],[9,10],[11,12,13,14],[15,16,17,18,19]] the output file in the ./output/comms directory would like this:


Important parameters

  • The parameter EPSILON in ./src/header.h controls the minimum difference in log-evidence the best partition should have from the previous best in ordered to be considered the new best. Setting this to 0 can result in partitions that are equivalent up to permutation to be considered better due to tiny numerical differences. This can cause the algorithm to perform more iterations than strictly necessary.
  • There are four parameters that control the simulated annealing procedure in ./src/main.cpp. The current settings perform well as a good starting point that balances performance and optimality of the found partition.
    • T0: the initial annealing temperature.
    • update_schedule: the number of iterations the algorithms performs at the same annealing temperature.
    • max_no_improve: the maximum number of iterations without improvement in log-evidence before stopping the algorithm - increasing this allows for a more exhaustive search at the cost of speed and can be useful when analyzing data of many variables.
    • max_iterations: the maximum total number of iterations to perform.

Coming soon

  • Python wrapper