
a DSL (domain specific language) for generating TypeScript projects

Primary LanguageTypeScript

TypeScript.ts build-status

This is a repository for CPSC 410: Advanced Software Engineering. This DSL should enable developers to generate/bootstrap TypeScript projects from scratch using a small grammar. Development is currently in the early phases, so changes to this repo will be constant.


  • yarn (>= v1.17.3)
  • tsc (>= 3.6.3)


  1. Navigate to TypeScript.ts/ui
  2. Run tsc TypeScript.ts
  3. Run node TypeScript.js simpleProgramClass.txt

Working with ts-dsl

  • To build: yarn build
  • To execute all tests: yarn test



PROGRAM         ::= ‘project’ str nl (MODULE nl)? (DIR|CLASS|INTERFACE)*
MODULE          ::= ‘modules’ STRLIST				# should have quotes
DIR             ::= ‘dir’ str nl (ind (DIR|CLASS|INTERFACE) ded)* nl
CLASS           ::= ABS? ‘class’ str IMP? EXT? (nl COMMENT)? (nl FIELD)* (nl FUNC)* nl
INTERFACE       ::= ‘interface’ str EXT? (nl COMMENT)? (nl FIELD)* (nl FUNC)* nl
FIELD           ::= ind ‘fields’ mod? VARLIST (nl ind 'generate' gen)* ded
FUNC            ::= ind ‘function ’ mod ‘async ’? 'static'? str (nl ind COMMENT)? (nl PARAM)? (nl ind 'returns' type)? ded
PARAM           ::= ind ‘params ’ VARLIST ded
COMMENT         ::= ind ‘comments ’ STRLIST ded
ABS             ::= ‘abstract’
IMP             ::= ‘implements’ str (‘,’ str)*
EXT             ::= ‘extends’ str
VARLIST         ::= ‘[ ’ (type str (‘,’ type str))? ‘ ]’
STRLIST         ::= ‘[ ‘ str (‘,’ str)* ‘ ]’
gen             ::= (‘getters’ | ‘setters’)
mod             ::= (‘private’ | ‘public’| ‘protected’)
type            ::= (‘number’ | ‘boolean’| ‘string’ | str) sp
str             ::= [^\n]* sp # note strings outside of comments cannot have spaces as well.
sp              ::= ‘ ’
nl              ::= [\n]+
ind             ::= [\t | ]+    # tab(s) or single space(s)
ded             ::= [] # this is a dedent


What does our language do?

Our DSL makes it possible to bootstrap TypeScript projects given a specification. If you have an idea of what methods a class or interface should have, and where it should live in the structure of your project, our DSL makes it possible for you to generate these classes + method stubs without having to open an IDE and click around in the file explorer.

What can I do?

Specify project name(s):

You can specify the project’s name, for example:

project Transit

Add external dependencies to the project:

You can specify any npm modules that you want to include in your project. For example:

modules [“@types/node”, “chai”, “@types/chai”, “mocha”, “@types/mocha”]

Will add the latest version of these dependencies to the project’s package.json.

Specify project structure and directories:

You can specify project structure using indentation. For example:

dir src
	class Time
	dir TransitModels
dir tests

Specifies that the project has the src and test directories at the project root directory level, and inside the src directory, is the Time class, and an empty directory, TransitModels.

Add a class/ interface specification to the project:

You can specify class/interface names, inheritance, fields, and function stubs (see below). For example:

	class Line implements TransitLine
		fields private [string name, string lineNumber, Stop[] stops]
			generate getters
			generate setters
		function public constructor
			comments [
				“Constructor method for TransitLine”,
				"@param name - name of transit line",
				"@param lineNumber - number of transit line",
				"@param stops - array of stops",
				“@returns TransitLine”
			params [string name, string lineNumber, Stop[] stops]
			returns TransitLine

Defines a class, Line that implements the TransitLine interface. This class has the private fields: name, lineNumber, and stops, with getters and setters generated for all fields upon project creation.

On top of implementing function stubs defined in the TransitLine interface, the Line class also has a constructor function defined. Read below for more details on function stub specifications.

Specify a function stub:

You can define function stubs under interfaces/ classes. For example:

	function public constructor
		comments [
			“Constructor method for TransitLine”,
			"@param name - name of transit line",
			"@param lineNumber - number of transit line",
			"@param stops - array of stops",
			“@returns TransitLine”
		params [string name, string lineNumber, Stop[] stops]
		returns TransitLine

Defines a constructor for TransitLine that accepts the name, lineNumber and stops parameters, and is annotated with a multi-line, TSDoc style comment for the function.

Add modifiers:

It is also possible to declare async/static functions by including the async/static keyword in the function definition:

function public async static move
	params [Location dest?]