- 0
- 2
broken on nixos for a while
#16 opened by mingyuguo - 0
build failure against ghc-8.8: src/Data/LinearProgram/Common.hs:16:50: error: Data.Map.foldWithKey is gone. Use foldrWithKey.
#15 opened by trofi - 2
doesn't seem to compile with ghc 8.4
#12 opened by shmish111 - 7
varEq on a BinVar is ignored.
#10 opened - 2
- 0
- 3
reading textual glpsol output?
#6 opened by jwaldmann - 2
MsgOff doesn't disable all messages
#3 opened by mingyuguo - 0
example1.hs does not compile
#2 opened by Bodigrim