
Self-hosted music server in Go.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

logo Mifasol

Mifasol is a self-hosted opinionated music server.

mifasolsrv web_client

mifasolcli console client

Key features

  1. Management of homonym artists and albums.
  2. Management of multi-artist songs.
  3. Avoiding playlists being broken updating songs, albums, or artists.
  4. Listening to songs
    • in streaming (via web or console clients)
    • or locally (via file synchronization and the music player of your choice).
  5. REST API for those who want to develop their own client.
  6. Easy to
    1. Install (one executable file to copy, and you are done)
    2. Backup (all data in one folder)
    3. Secure (https by default)
  7. Blazing fast navigation with console & web clients.
  8. Multiplatform.
  9. You can even build your own internet radio to listen to your playlists !

Mifasol is a free and open source project distributed under the permissive Apache 2.0 License.

Table of Contents


This software doesn’t try to satisfy the needs of everyone.

  • The number of features is voluntarily limited to facilitate its maintenance.
  • Only flac and mp3 formats are supported.
  • When you import some music on mifasol server, song filenames are ignored, only song tags are used to link your song to an artist, an album or to know the song name.
  • Once your music is imported, song tags are partially managed by mifasol server and are used to generate song filename during files sync.
  • Only one-way sync is supported: song files and playlists are copied from mifasol server to client device.

Mifasol server


From prebuild binaries

Drop the dedicated mifasolsrv binary on your server and you are done.

From sources

You need:

  • Linux
  • Golang >= 1.17
  • ANDROID_NDK_HOME set (to build android console client).
  • GOROOT set
make release



mifasolsrv run

Use Ctrl+C to gracefully stop it (and to avoid database corruption).

On first launch, mifasolsrv run will:

  • Create default admin user with mifasol/mifasol as username/password
  • Create a self-signed certificate valid for localhost only
  • Listen requests on https://localhost:6620


If you want to access your server with those external urls: https://mypersonaldomain.org:6630 and, you should configure mifasolsrv accordingly with:

mifasolsrv config -hostnames mypersonaldomain.org, -n 6630 -enable-ssl

More options


mifasolsrv --help
mifasolsrv <COMMAND> --help

for more information.

Where is my data stored ?

Configuration file, embedded database, song and cover files are all saved into mifasolsrv config folder:

  • $HOME/.config/mifasolsrv on linux
  • %LocalAppData%\mifasolsrv on windows
  • $HOME/Library/Application Support/mifasolsrv on mac

Backup data

  • Stop mifasol server
  • Backup mifasolsrv config folder content
  • Start mifasol server

Restore data

  • Stop mifasol server
  • Replace mifasolsrv config folder with content from your last backup
  • Start mifasol server

Auto start and stop mifasol server with systemd on linux

  • Copy mifasolsrv to /usr/bin

  • Create systemd service file

    sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/mifasolsrv.service
    sudo chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/mifasolsrv.service
  • Edit /etc/systemd/system/mifasolsrv.service

    Description=Mifasol server
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/mifasolsrv run
  • Enable & start mifasol server

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable mifasolsrv.service
    sudo systemctl start mifasolsrv.service

Mifasol web client

You just have to connect to your mifasol server: https://localhost:6620

Mifasol console client


From prebuild binaries

Mifasol server embeds clients, so you just have to download the dedicated mifasolcli binary from your mifasol server: https://localhost:6620

From sources

You need golang >= 1.17 and

  • libasound2-dev on linux
  • mingw-w64 on windows
  • AudioToolbox.framework on mac
go install ./cmd/mifasolcli



On first launch, mifasolcli try to connect to mifasol server using https://localhost:6620 (only accepting server self-signed certificate read on first connection) with mifasol/mifasol as username/password.

You can change default configuration with:

mifasolcli config -hostname <HOSTNAME> -n 6620 -u mifasol -p mifasol

NB: <HOSTNAME> should match with one of the hostnames configured on mifasol server.

Import music folder content to mifasol server

mifasolcli import [Location of music folder to import]

mifasolcli will recursively loop through specified folder to import every flac and mp3 files to mifasol server.

Sync local music folder with mifasol server's user favorite content

Prepare local music folder (one-time):

mifasolcli filesync init [Location of folder to synchronize]

Launch synchronization:

mifasolcli filesync sync [Location of folder to synchronize]

Console user interface

Run console user interface to manage and listen mifasol server content:

mifasolcli ui

Press h to display available shortcuts to navigate through the interface.

  • After a fresh server installation, use the console or web client to change the default username/password.
  • Windows users should use new Windows Terminal to correctly display unicode emojis.

More options


mifasolcli --help
mifasolcli <COMMAND> --help
mifasolcli <COMMAND> <SUBCOMMAND> --help

for more information.