
论文 Hinton等的论文 Matrix capsules with EM routing - Hinton, G. E., Sabour, S. and Frosst, N. (2018) Dynamic Routing Between Capsules - Sabour, S., Frosst, N. and Hinton, G.E. (2017) Transforming Auto-encoders - Hinton, G. E., Krizhevsky, A. and Wang, S. D. (2011) A parallel computation that assigns canonical object-based frames of reference. - Hinton, G.E. (1981) Shape representation in parallel systems - Hinton, G.E. (1981) Optimizing Neural Networks that Generate Images - Tijmen Tieleman’s disseration 其他论文 Capsule Network Performance on Complex Data - Xi, E., Bing, S. and Jin, Y. (2017) Accurate reconstruction of image stimuli from human fMRI based on the decoding model with capsule network architecture - Qiao, K., Zhang, C., Wang, L., Yan, B., Chen, J., Zeng, L. and Tong, L., (2018) An Optimization View on Dynamic Routing Between Capsules - Wang, D., Liu, E. (2018) CapsuleGAN: Generative Adversarial Capsule Network Ayush Jaiswal, Wael AbdAlmageed, Premkumar Natarajan. (2018) Spectral Capsule Networks - Bahadori, M. T. (2018) 博客 Max Pechyonkin的胶囊网络入门系列: 胶囊网络背后的直觉 胶囊如何工作 囊间动态路由算法 胶囊网络架构 基于TensorFlow实现胶囊网络 Debarko De的胶囊网络教程,包括注释详尽的胶囊网络实现代码 基于CUDA为胶囊网络实现TensorFlow定制操作 Jos van de Wolfshaar的文章,定制胶囊网络运算的CUDA支持 ISI新研究:胶囊生成对抗网络 用胶囊网络替换CNN作为GAN的判别网络,在MNIST数据集上取得了比卷积GAN更好的表现 Uncovering the Intuition behind Capsule Networks and Inverse Graphic Tanay Kothari的长篇教程 A Visual Representation of Capsule Connections in Dynamic Routing Between Capsules Mike Ross的胶囊网络示意图 Capsule Networks Are Shaking up AI — Here’s How to Use Them Nick Bourdakos的介绍 Capsule Networks Explained Kendrick Tan的解释 Understanding Dynamic Routing between Capsules (Capsule Networks) Jonathan Hui的教程,包括注释详尽的基于Keras的胶囊网络实现代码 Matrix capsules with EM routing Adrian Colyer关于EM路由的文章 Capsule Networks: A Glossary Sebastian Kwiatkowski的胶囊网络术语表 Overview of awesome articles 点评三篇胶囊网络教程 视频 Geoffrey Hinton’s talk: What is wrong with convolutional neural nets? - Geoffrey Hinton在MIT. Brain & Cognitive Sciences的演讲《卷积神经网络的问题在哪里?》 Capsule Networks (CapsNets) – Tutorial - “这视频棒极了。我本希望我能把胶囊解释得这么清楚。”Geoffrey Hinton Capsule networks: overview - 胶囊网络概览,包括向量和矩阵胶囊。 Overview of awesome videos 对以上3个视频的点评。 Capsule Networks: An Improvement to Convolutional Networks Siraj Raval介绍胶囊网络的视频 动态路由实现 官方实现 Sarasra/models 《Dynamic Routing Between Capsules》论文所用的代码 TensorFlow alisure-ml/CapsNet bourdakos1/capsule-networks etendue/CapsNet_TF InnerPeace-Wu/CapsNet-tensorflow jaesik817/adv_attack_capsnet jostosh/capsnet JunYeopLee/capsule-networks laodar/tf_CapsNet leoniloris/CapsNet naturomics/CapsNet-Tensorflow rrqq/CapsNet-tensorflow-jupyter thibo73800/capsnet-traffic-sign-classifier tjiang31/CapsNet winwinJJiang/capsNet-Tensorflow PyTorch acburigo/CapsNet adambielski/CapsNet-pytorch AlexHex7/CapsNet_pytorch aliasvishnu/Capsule-Networks-Notebook-MNIST andreaazzini/capsnet.pytorch cedrickchee/capsule-net-pytorch dragen1860/CapsNet-Pytorch gram-ai/capsule-networks higgsfield/Capsule-Network-Tutorial laubonghaudoi/CapsNet_guide_PyTorch leftthomas/CapsNet nishnik/CapsNet-PyTorch tonysy/CapsuleNet-PyTorch Ujjwal-9/CapsNet Keras fengwang/minimal-capsule gusgad/capsule-GAN mitiku1/Emopy-CapsNet ruslangrimov/capsnet-with-capsulewise-convolution streamride/CapsNet-keras-imdb sunxirui310/CapsNet-Keras theblackcat102/dynamic-routing-capsule-cifar XifengGuo/CapsNet-Keras XifengGuo/CapsNet-Fashion-MNIST Chainer soskek/dynamic_routing_between_capsules Torch mrkulk/Unsupervised-Capsule-Network MXNet AaronLeong/CapsNet_Mxnet GarrickLin/Capsnet.Gluon Soonhwan-Kwon/capsnet.mxnet CNTK Southworkscom/CapsNet-CNTK Lasagne DeniskaMazur/CapsNet-Lasagne Matlab yechengxi/LightCapsNet R dfalbel/capsnet JavaScript alseambusher/capsnet.js Vulcan moothyknight/CapsNet-for-Graphics-Rendering-Optimization EM路由实现 TensorFlow gyang274/capsulesEM www0wwwjs1/Matrix-Capsules-EM-Tensorflow PyTorch shzygmyx/Matrix-Capsules-pytorch 其他资源 Capsule Networks discussion Facebook讨论组 CapsNet-Tensorflow CapsNet-Tensorflow的gitter.im讨论组 Will capsule networks replace neural networks? Quora问答“胶囊网络会取代神经网络吗?” Could GANs work with Hinton’s capsule theory? Quora问答“GAN可以应用Hinton的胶囊理论吗?” Dynamic Routing Between Capsules Kyuhwan Jung对论文《Dynamic routing between Capsules》的评论(slideshare)

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