
LOC-I Scripts

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

LOC-I SCRIPTS and pyloci

Build Status

A collection of scripts, snippets, and mini-apps from the LOC-I Project


Copy the env-template to .env and edit the file to specify which sparql endpoint and authentication details if needed


$ pip install -e .

For tests involving selenium, chromedriver is required.

# Install on windows
$ choco install chromedriver

# Install on linux
# See https://tecadmin.net/setup-selenium-chromedriver-on-ubuntu/

Example uses

# Run stats over the loci dataset
$ python -m pyloci.sparql.generate_loci_type_count 

# query contains for a precanned set of uris
$ python -m pyloci.sparql.query_loci_mb16cc_contains

# query contains for a precanned set of uris
$ python -m pyloci.sparql.query_loci_mb16cc_contains '<http://linked.data.gov.au/dataset/geofabric/contractedcatchment/12101547>'

Reapportioning use case

# reapportion single-cc-mb16-within.csv in verbose mode with output to specific csv file
$ python -m pyloci.reapportioning --verbose -o output.csv ./loci-testdata/excelerator/single-cc-mb16-within.csv

# reapportion single-cc-mb16-within.csv in verbose mode with output to stdout
$ python -m pyloci.reapportioning --verbose ./loci-testdata/excelerator/single-cc-mb16-within.csv

# reapportion single-cc-mb16-within.csv in non-verbose mode with output to stdout
$ python -m pyloci.reapportioning ./loci-testdata/excelerator/single-cc-mb16-within.csv

# reapportion single-cc-mb16-within.csv in non-verbose mode with output to specific csv file
$ python -m pyloci.reapportioning -o output.csv ./loci-testdata/excelerator/single-cc-mb16-within.csv

# process all .csv files in input dir ('-d' specifies process directory mode)
$ python -m pyloci.reapportioning -d  ./loci-testdata/excelerator

Generate Test Data

# Run stats over the loci dataset
$ python -m pyloci.sparql.generate_loci_type_count > ./loci-testdata/loci_type_count.json

# Create test_case_contains_result testdata
$ python -m pyloci.sparql.generate_loci_contains_testdata > ./loci-testdata/test_case_contains_result.json

# Create reapportioning test dataset - queries contains for Test Case A-C set of URIs 
$ python -m pyloci.sparql.generate_loci_reapportioning_testdata > ./loci-testdata/loci_reapportioning_testdata.json

# Create loci mb16cc relations test data - query mb and cc relationships (without specifying the predicate) - currently broken :(
$ python -m pyloci.sparql.generate_loci_mb16cc_relations_testdata > ./loci-testdata/test_case_mb16cc_relations_result.json

# query labels
$ python -m pyloci.sparql.query_loci_location_labels --limit 100 --max 100 > location_labels.tsv

# generate loci test LD dataset
$ python -m pyloci.generate_loci_rdf_testdata

Running tests

$ pytest

Rights & License

The content of this repository is © 2019 CSIRO Land and Water.
The content of this repository is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License


Ashley Sommer
Informatics Software Engineer
CSIRO Land & Water, Environmental Informatics Group

Benjamin Leighton
Informatics Software Engineer
CSIRO Land & Water, Environmental Informatics Group

Jonathan Yu
Data scientist
CSIRO Land & Water, Environmental Informatics Group

Nicholas Car
Senior Experimental Scientist
CSIRO Land & Water, Environmental Informatics Group