- find transcript for a given IA video
- Find a video URL and associated transcript
- Identify a time range, either for the request URL (
) or by advancing the video element via JavaScript
- https://github.com/rwaldron/popcorn.capture can jump around tersely
- Write a function to excerpt frames at given time intervals:
grabFrame(url, time)
andgrabFrames(url, times)
(latter to iterate) - Write function to fetch text by time boundaries OR function to fetch time boundaries from text given a timestamped transcript
- Write function to overlay text on images
- Write function to compile into GIF (https://github.com/antimatter15/jsgif)
timeRangeFromText(text, identifier | video)
to get exact times from the transcripttextFromTimeRange(begin, end, identifier | video)
to get string of whole words from given time rangegetMetadataFromIdentifier()
getWholeTranscript(identifier | video)
Archive.org unique_id
s can be fetched from the RSS feeds like this:
CSPAN date-sorted video listing:
- https://archive.org/details/tv - all TV news
- https://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?collection=trumparchive&output=json - Trump archive in JSON
- https://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?collection=TV-CSPAN
- Video link examples: https://archive.org/download/CSPAN_20170125_154100_Nancy_Pelosi_Calls_Voter_Fraud_Investigation_Really_Strange/format=h.264
We can base everything off the unique identifier. Much metadata can be found with:
- closed captioning - "ccMap"
- thumbnails
- various download formats
- appropriate servers to use - "server"
$.get('https://archive.org/metadata/WUSA_20141123_113000_McLaughlin_Group/',function(response) { console.log(response.
.ccMap) })
Using the "server" metadata entry, we can compose URLs like this:
Full Internet Archive API: https://archive.org/advancedsearch.php#raw
Best CSPAN date-sorted video listing: https://archive.org/advancedsearch.php?q=cspan&fl%5B%5D=date&fl%5B%5D=description&fl%5B%5D=downloads&fl%5B%5D=identifier&fl%5B%5D=mediatype&fl%5B%5D=source&fl%5B%5D=subject&fl%5B%5D=title&sort%5B%5D=date+desc&sort%5B%5D=&sort%5B%5D=&rows=50&page=1&output=json&callback=callback&save=yes#raw
(unnecessary with Internet Archive)
Alternative (streaming) gif encoder: https://www.npmjs.com/package/gif-encoder