This repository includes a few analysis pipelines for lentiviral integrome analysis.
- Sequencing pipeline for our qsLAM PCR assay
- Steps for profiling integration sites from scATAC-seq and scMultiome data
- Downstream analysis of vector integration sites
- A classifier of integration sites by integrome signatures
- [fastqc >0.11.5]
- [cutadapt]
- [samtools >1.10]
- [bwa >0.7.17]
- [bedtools >2.25.0]
- [R >3.6.2]
Download everything inside the folder qsLAM into the working directory. Create a folder called rawdata and put the paired-end reads files inside. Follow the steps-by-steps instructions.
- [fastqc >0.11.5]
- [samtools >1.10]
- [bwa >0.7.17]
See the steps-by-steps instructions for identifying integration sites from ATAC-seq data.
- [R >3.6.2]
- [bedr 1.0.7]
- [bedtools 2.29.0]
Useful functions are implemented in LVIS_functions.R. See examples and steps-by-steps instructions for the compilation of VISs across samples and other downstream analysis.
$ source("LVIS_functions.R")
The code to build the catboost model for classifying high vs low abundance vis is in no_P1_classification.ipynb