
The component which analyze of the single DOF mass point by Newmark β method in grasshopper(grasshopperで線形加速度法により単質点系の応答解析を行うコンポーネント)

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


The component which analyze of the single DOF mass point by Newmark β method in grasshopper.



This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.md

Operating Environment

Make for Rhino6 of Windows

Information Concerning the Author

twitter: https://twitter.com/hiron_rgkr

How to Use

Commentary Video

List of Component

List of Component

Component Appearance

Component Appearance


  • Calc T
    • 質量と剛性から固有周期、固有振動数、固有角振動数を計算
    • A peculiar period and a natural frequency and a peculiar angular frequency are calculated by mass and rigidity
  • MTtoK
    • 質量と固有周期から質量を計算
    • Calculate rigidity from mass and a peculiar period
  • KTtoM
    • 剛性と固有周期から質量を計算
    • Calculate mass from rigidity and a peculiar period
  • MakeSinWave
    • 入力波としてサイン波を作成
    • Make a sin wave as an input wave
  • 1dofRA
    • 入力された諸元に対して、単質点系の応答解析をNewmarkβで計算し、応答結果とエネルギーを出力
    • For input parameter, calculate 1dof response analysis in Newmarkβ method and output result
  • ModelView
    • 1質点モデルをRhino上に出力
    • Output a model on Rhino
  • ResultVeiw
    • Rhino上に出力した質点を応答結果に応じて動かす
    • Move the model that output on Rhino depending on a result

Development Status

  • ~2018/09/24
    • ver 0.1.00
      基本的な機能を揃え、ver 0.1.0としてリリース
      Prepare a basic function and release it as ver 0.1.0