
Code and Presentation Materials for Postgres Conference 2019

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Code and Presentation Materials for Postgres Conference 2019


All of the tooling and testing is setup to be as automated and reproducible as reasonable.

Infrastructure is created using terraform and the modules/aws-rds/tooling/ folder contains the shell scripts used to run the tests.

The terraform code is divided into test scenarios.

Using the tooling


These directions assume you are familiar with terraform, have terraform 0.11.x installed and in your PATH and are on a Unix-like OS.

Setup and Operation

  1. The tooling has different test scenarios, each within the terraform/ directory.
  2. You need to create a few things in the terraform/ directory:
    1. A setup_env.sh with appropriate cloud provider credentials for your accounts. Follow the setup_env_example.sh. This is dotted into your shell.
    2. An ssh key pair with a non-password protected private key.
  3. Select a scenario (e.x. aws-rds-1, see each folder for scenario details) and cd its directory.
  4. Run terraform init from the scenario folder.
  5. Run terraform plan from the scenario folder.
  6. If you feel the plan is correct, run terraform apply.
  7. Upon completion the IP address of a working VM will be displayed
    • For VM based tests, this is the machine on which you will run PG server and client.
    • For hosted PG based tests (i.e. RDS, etc), this is the machine that runs the test client and is in the same virtual network as your hosted instance.
  8. You can ssh to this VM and in the /data/tooling folder under the default username (e.g. ubuntu on AWS), you will find shell scripts that run the tests. Typical workflow is:
    • ./run_pgbench_init.sh
    • ./run_pgbench_test.sh
    • Collect results.
  9. When finished, run terraform destroy to clean up.

Legal, Thanks and Other Disclaimers


  • License: See LICENSE file with this repository/archive/distribution.
  • NO WARRANTY at all. No guarantees of security.
    • This is TEST CODE.
    • Do not run your cloud operations based on this code.

Disclaimers, Caveats

  • No affiliation: I do not have any formal business relationship with any of the cloud providers tested (except in certain circumstances perhaps as a minor customer).
  • All physical metal computers tested are owned exclusively by me.
  • Cloud resources sponsored by Mehboob Alam c/o PG Conference 2019


  • This work and presentation made possible by PG Conference 2019.
  • MedAcuity Software for the time off to attend the conference.