
This library helps you easily create a javascript application with Whatsapp support

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

whatsapp-api-client library for javascript

License GitHub release npm version

This library helps you easily create a javascript application to connect the WhatsApp API using service green-api.com. You need to get ID_INSTANCEand API_TOKEN_INSTANCE in the control panel in order to use this library.

Документация на русском языке

Смотрите readme на русском здесь


The API corresponds with REST API from green-api since the library wraps own methods as https calls to the service. Therefore using these docs is highly encouraged.


Library supports both browser environment without package managers and Node/Webpack apps with package manager that can handle require or import module expressions. For webpack and npm based apps:

npm i @green-api/whatsapp-api-client

For vanilla html-js website modify index.html:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@green-api/whatsapp-api-client/lib/whatsapp-api-client.min.js"></script>


Sending WhatsApp message like any other call to the API requires account registered on green-api.com and authentication completed on mobile WhatsApp app. To register account you have to proceed to the control panel. After registering you wll get own unique pair of ID_INSTANCE and API_TOKEN_INSTANCE keys.

WhatsApp mobile app authentication may be achived by using control panel. You need to scan QR-code generated within the control panel.


Send WhatsApp message

Use common javascript

const whatsAppClient = require('@green-api/whatsapp-api-client')

const restAPI = whatsAppClient.restAPI(({
    idInstance: "YOUR_ID_INSTANCE",
    apiTokenInstance: "YOUR_API_TOKEN_INSTANCE"

restAPI.message.sendMessage(null, 79999999999, "hello world")
.then((data) => {
}) ;

or use browser js script

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@green-api/whatsapp-api-client/lib/whatsapp-api-client.min.js"></script>
    const restAPI = whatsAppClient.restAPI(({
        idInstance: "YOUR_ID_INSTANCE",
        apiTokenInstance: "YOUR_API_TOKEN_INSTANCE"
    restAPI.message.sendMessage(null, 79999999999, "hello world")
    .then((data) => {
    }).catch((reason) =>{

Or use ES6 syntax. For node js app, you propably have to add in package.json property "type": "module". Notice that all examples below are ES6 based.

import whatsAppClient from '@green-api/whatsapp-api-client'

(async () => {
    const restAPI = whatsAppClient.restAPI(({
        idInstance: "YOUR_ID_INSTANCE", 
        apiTokenInstance: "YOUR_API_TOKEN_INSTANCE"
    const response = await restAPI.message.sendMessage(null, 79999999999, "hello world");

Using credentials file for ID_INSTANCE and API_TOKEN_INSTANCE keys (nodejs only!)

You might want to store yours credentials separatedly from code. The library allow you to create a text file with preferred name and location with the format:


And then pass this file as described below:

const restAPI = whatsAppClient.restAPI(({
    credentialsPath: "examples\\credentials"

Receive notifications using webhook service REST API

import whatsAppClient from '@green-api/whatsapp-api-client'

(async () => {

    let restAPI = whatsAppClient.restAPI(({
        idInstance: "YOUR_ID_INSTANCE",
        apiTokenInstance: "YOUR_API_TOKEN_INSTANCE"

    try {
        // Receive WhatsApp notifications.
        console.log( "Waiting incoming notifications...")
        await restAPI.webhookService.startReceivingNotifications()
        restAPI.webhookService.onReceivingMessageText((body) => {
            //console.log("Notifications is about to stop in 20 sec if no messages will be queued...")
        restAPI.webhookService.onReceivingDeviceStatus((body) => {
        restAPI.webhookService.onReceivingAccountStatus((body) => {
    } catch (ex) {


Send WhatsApp file

import whatsAppClient from '@green-api/whatsapp-api-client'

(async () => {
    const restAPI = whatsAppClient.restAPI(({
        idInstance: "YOUR_ID_INSTANCE",
        apiTokenInstance: "YOUR_API_TOKEN_INSTANCE"
    const response = await restAPI.file.sendFileByUrl(null, 79999999999, 'https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/477388/77f64197-87d2-42cf-9305-14f49c65f1da/s375', 'horse.png', 'horse');

Send WhatsApp message and receive webhook

Webhooks are event-based callbacks invoked by green-api server as responses to client API calls. Webhooks support node js and express based apps only.

import whatsAppClient from '@green-api/whatsapp-api-client'
import express from "express";
import bodyParser from 'body-parser';

(async () => {
    try {

        // Set http url, where webhooks are hosted. 
        // Url must have public domain address.
        await restAPI.settings.setSettings({
            webhookUrl: 'MY_HTTP_SERVER:3000/webhooks'

        const app = express();
        const webHookAPI = whatsAppClient.webhookAPI(app, '/webhooks')

        // Subscribe to webhook happened when WhatsApp delivered a message
        webHookAPI.onIncomingMessageText((data, idInstance, idMessage, sender, typeMessage, textMessage) => {
            console.log(`outgoingMessageStatus data ${data.toString()}`)

        // Run web server with public domain address
        app.listen(3000, async () => {
            console.log(`Started. App listening on port 3000!`)

            const restAPI = whatsAppClient.restAPI(({
                idInstance: MY_ID_INSTANCE,
                apiTokenInstance: MY_API_TOKEN_INSTANCE
            // Send test message that triggers webhook
            const response = await restAPI.message.sendMessage(null, 79999999999, "hello world");
    } catch (error) {

There's some cool examples too.

Deploying development environment

Any help with development and bug fixing is appreciated. In order to deploy test-ready environment please make the steps:

  1. Сlone repo with git clone
  2. Install dependencies with npm install
  3. Install globally libraries rollup for bundled builds.
  4. Add webhooks as new dev express via npm npm isntall express --save-dev. Dont forget to delete it before making pull request
  5. Create .env file in root folder and add environment variables using example file env.example
  6. Add "type": "module" to the package.json


Compile browser and node|webpack versions with single command:

npm run build

Publish to npm if you have access

npm publish

Third-party libraries


Licensed on MIT terms. For additional info have look at LICENSE