
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Simple Chat App

An app that connects to a websocket server and allows people to send/receive chat messages.

Call npm install before running. Use npm start to run the devserver.

The server is separated from the client, therefore to test connections to the server, proxy configuration is used to allow the create-react-app dev server to connect to the server.



  1. ✅ Sends received messages to all connected clients (no rooms).
  2. ✅ If a client is silent for more than a certain (configurable) amount of time, it is disconnected; a message about the event (e.g. "John was disconnected due to inactivity") is sent to all connected clients.
  3. ✅ If a client is disconnected, but not due to inactivity, a different message is sent (e.g. "John left the chat, connection lost" instead.)
  4. ✅ Doesn't allow multiple active users with the same nickname.
  5. 🤔 Validates data received over the network.
  6. ✅ Terminates gracefully upon receiving SIGINT or SIGTERM signals.
  7. ✅ Provide readable logging solution


  1. ✅ Has two pages ​​ landing page (shown when not connected to the server) and chat (shown only when connected to the server).
  2. Landing page has:
  • ✅ a box to enter nickname,
  • ✅ a button to connect,
  • and also displays feedback like:
    • ✅ Failed to connect. (Interpreted as timeout when failing to receive authentication response from server)
    • ✅ Nickname already taken.',
    • ✅ Server unavailable. (Interpreted when the websocket connection fails)
    • ✅ Disconnected by the server due to inactivity.'.
  1. ✅ Chat page displays messages from the server together with the sender's nickname (but no messages from before the user's current session started), a box to enter a message, a button to send it, and a button to disconnect from the server.
  2. ✅ Does not have any inactivity timeouts.
  3. ✅ Should display landing page if it's disconnected from the server.


  1. Feel free to design/define your own UI and UX


I used tried to keep everything type safe, and reuse the message interfaces between client and server. React, typesafe-actions, rxjs together with redux-obserbable was used in this example. Most of the async sidefects have been declared in the wsEpic.ts file that pipes the redux actions to creating a new websocket and vice-versa received messages to redux actions. Whenever a new message arrives, window is scrolled to the latest message.

Room for improvement:

Of course there's still a lot of room for improvement, and if this was a real world project, here are the things I'd consider:

  • Adding Marble tests for the epics
  • Add some spring based animations to messages arriving, to make them more exciting