
This repository shows how to configure a TypeScript 2 project.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

TypeScript 2 sample project


This example shows how to configure a project with TypeScript 2.0. Here's what is included:

  • express
  • mocha tests
  • nyc code coverage
  • build with gulp
  • ESLint linter
  • source maps generating

Building and running

npm install         // installs packages
docker-compose up   // starts MongoDB instance on mongodb://localhost:27017 (Docker must be installed on the machine)
./bin/run           // compiles and runs the project

Open http://localhost:3000

Other commands

./bin/compile: Compiles the source files with TypeScript compiler
./bin/test: Runs tests with Mocha
./bin/lint: Lints all source files with TSLint
./bin/coverage: Generates nyc coverage report
./bin/clean: Removes compiled files and coverage report files

Adding aditional libraries:

npm install bcrypt --save-dev
npm install @types/bcrypt --save-dev