
Application running http://redis.io

Primary LanguageRuby


This repository holds the source code for the website that runs redis.io.

Getting started

The code doesn't use a gem manager like Bundler. Simply install the required gems in (preferably in an RVM gemset or so), by running:

cat .gems | xargs gem install

Now you need to clone the redis-doc project, and set its path in the REDIS_DOC environment variable before starting the server or running the tests.

Finally, you need to have a redis-server running on port 6379.

To start the website:

REDIS_DOC=/path/to/redis-doc rackup

To run the tests, you also need to install cutest and capybara:

gem install cutest capybara

Now, just run:

REDIS_DOC=/path/to/redis-doc rake

Or to run the tests in a particular file:

REDIS_DOC=/path/to/redis-doc cutest test/some_file.rb