
Retrieval as Attention

Primary LanguagePython

Retrieval as Attention (ReAtt)

This repository contains the code, models, and data for the paper Retrieval as Attention: End-to-end Learning of Retrieval and Reading within a Single Transformer by Zhengbao Jiang*, Luyu Gao*, Jun Araki, Haibo Ding, Zhiruo Wang, Jamie Callan, Graham Neubig.


ReAtt is a T5-based retrieval-augmented model for knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g., QA) that performs retrieval using attention and learns retrieval and reading in a fully end-to-end way only relying on end-task annotations.


Install environment with Conda

Create a conda env with the name reatt using ./setup.sh.

Quick start


Download pre-built embeddings

Download the pre-built embeddings from Google Drive. You can download it programmatically with gdrive using gdrive download -r 1NXmWudqhHaS32Ebr0ch-f8Ioymcy0xyM.

Retrieval and generation on FiQA dataset

from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from beir.datasets.data_loader import GenericDataLoader
from reatt.model import ReAttConfig, ReAttForConditionalGeneration
from reatt.data import Dataset

model_name = 'neulab/reatt-large-nq-fiqa'
retrieval_corpus = 'reatt_download/reatt-large-nq-fiqa/fiqa'
fiqa_data = 'reatt_download/fiqa'
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
config = ReAttConfig.from_pretrained(model_name, retrieval_corpus=retrieval_corpus)
model = ReAttForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_name, config=config).cuda()

question = 'What is considered a business expense on a business trip?'
encoded = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(
encoded = {k: v.cuda() for k, v in encoded.items()}

# === only retrieve ===
rank = model.encoder.retriever.retrieve(**encoded)[0]  # top-100 doc tuples <doc_id, score>
corpus, queries, qrels = GenericDataLoader(data_folder=fiqa_data).load(split='test')
print(corpus[rank[0][0]]['text'], rank[0][1], sep='\n')  # content of the top-1 doc and its score
# Food is almost never a valid expense. Reason for it is simple - if you were not conducting business you would have to eat too. ...
# 224.07415771484375

# === retrieve then generate ===
prediction = model.generate(**encoded, search_kwargs={'doc_topk': 10, 'max_length': 512}, max_length=512)[0]
print(tokenizer.decode(prediction, skip_special_tokens=True))
# "It depends on what the ""true"" reason for the trip is. If you decide to deduct the trip as a business expense ...


Inference: retrieval

Save embeddings of all document tokens from dataset using model.

python inference.py \
  --task index \
  --model neulab/reatt-large-nq-fiqa \
  --dataset reatt_download/fiqa \
  --output output/fiqa \
  --max_context_len 512

Load model and embeddings from retireval_corpus, retrieve top-100 documents for queries from the dataset, and compute retrieval metrics (nDCG, MAP, recall precision).

python inference.py \
  --task retrieve \
  --model neulab/reatt-large-nq-fiqa \
  --retireval_corpus reatt_download/reatt-large-nq-fiqa/fiqa \
  --dataset reatt_download/fiqa \
  --doc_topk 100 \
  --max_query_len 128

Inference: retrieval-augmented generation

Load model and embeddings from retireval_corpus, retrieve top-10 documents for queries from the dataset, and generate answers.

python inference.py \
  --task generate \
  --model neulab/reatt-large-nq-fiqa \
  --retireval_corpus reatt_download/reatt-large-nq-fiqa/fiqa \
  --dataset reatt_download/fiqa \
  --doc_topk 10 \
  --max_query_len 128 \
  --max_context_len 512 \
  --max_generation_len 512


    title = {Retrieval as Attention: End-to-end Learning of Retrieval and Reading within a Single Transformer},
    author = {Zhengbao Jiang and Luyu Gao and Jun Araki and Haibo Ding and Zhiruo Wang and Jamie Callan and Graham Neubig},
    booktitle = {Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)},
    address = {Abu Dhabi, UAE},
    month = {December},
    year = {2022}