
Django + Postgres + Redis + Celery + Celery Beat + WebSocket server

Primary LanguagePython

Django Development With Docker Compose


  • Python + Node.js
  • Django
  • WebSocket server
  • Celery worker + Celery beat
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis


  • Docker >= v1.10.3
  • Docker Compose >= v1.7.1
  • Python >= 3.5

OS X Docker Native Instruction

  1. Start Docker Native
  2. Build images - docker-compose build
  3. Create the database migrations - docker-compose run web python manage.py migrate
  4. Start services - docker-compose up
  5. View in browser

OS X Docker Machine Instruction

  1. Start new machine - docker-machine create -d virtualbox dev;
  2. Build images - docker-compose build
  3. Create the database migrations - docker-compose run web python manage.py migrate
  4. Start services - docker-compose up -d
  5. Grab IP - docker-machine ip dev - and view in your browser