
ember cli addon for summernote

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Ember-cli-summernote is an Ember CLI add-on. This addon actually converts summernote to an Ember component which is a re-usable unit. This is still a work in progress. Pull requests are welcome.


# install via npm
$ npm install ember-cli-summernote --save-dev
# make ember-cli fetch internal dependencies
$ ember g ember-cli-summernote

Basic Usage

Handlebar Template

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.ObjectController.extend({
  contentHeight: 200,
  postContent: "Some intial contents go here. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing.",
  editingDisabled: false,
  actions: {
    changeHeight(someObject) {
      var height = someObject.doSomeCalculationToGetHeight();
       this.set('contentHeight', height)
{{summer-note height=contentHeight btnSize=bs-sm content=postContent airMode=false focus=false header="Example" disabled=editingDisabled disabledOptions=disabledOptions}}


The bootstrap and fontAwesome resources will not be imported to your resources by default.

If you want the add-on to add it selectively you have to specify it in the Brocfile.js (No option means false by default)

var app = new EmberAddon({
  'ember-cli-summernote': {
    "importBootstrapCSS": true,
    "importBootstrapJS": true,
    "importFontawesomeCSS": true


You can clone this repo and run the app

$ sudo npm install -g ember-cli

# clone the codebase
$ git clone http://github.com/vsymguysung/ember-cli-summernote.git
$ cd ember-cli-summernote

# install dependencies
$ npm install; bower install

# fire up local server
$ ember serve

# visit the page with the following url.

ToDOs / Known Issues

  • Need to implement airPopover customizing feature in the component.

Inspired by


MIT license.