
Inline editing component for ember.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


ember-inline-edit provides inline editing for your ember apps. Has basic keyboard support, too.


ember install ember-inline-edit


Use the ember-inline-edit component and provide it a default value.


This will give you a component that can be edited inline. By default, it is a textfield. You can, however, change the field type. Here's how:


This will make it a textarea. The current supported types are: text, email, phone, textarea (if you need more, feel free to create an issue).

It also exposes an action onSave that is called (with the value as an argument) when the user hits save. Here's how that works:

    onSave=(action (mut someValue))}}

There's an onClose action that is called when the editor is closed (either by clicking outside or pressing the esc key). You can use this to handle cases where, for example, you want to rollback unsaved changes.

Here's how you can use that:

    onSave=(action (mut someValue))
    onClose=(action "rollback" "attr")}}

By default, name the value is empty, it says 'Not provided'. You have the option to customize that. Here's how you can do that:

    placeholder='It is empty'
    onSave=(action (mut someValue))}}

With this, if the value is empty, it will show It is empty instead.

By default, the save button is labeled 'Save'. You can change that easily:

    onSave=(action (mut someValue))}}

Editing can be conditionally prevented with the enabled property. When the component becomes disabled, the onClose event will be fired.

    onSave=(action (mut someValue))}}

There's no styling provided by default. Feel free to add your own.

Block Usage

In case you need to go beyond the default textfields and control what shows as the editable (say an header tag) and what shows as the editor (say a custom select component), you can do that too.

Here’s an example:

  {{#ember-inline-edit value=value as |inline-edit|}}
      <h3>Edit this</h3>

    {{#inline-edit.editor field="textarea"}}
      <select id="some-select" name="some-name">
        <option value="option-1">Option 1</option>
        <option value="option-2">Option 2</option>

Everything else (the actions, keyboard support, etc.) works just the same.

Keyboard Support

Inside the inputs (the textarea, input fields, etc.), if the user hits enter, it does exactly what a click on the save button would do (i.e. sends an onSave action and closes the editor).

If the user hits esc, the editor closes and sends the onClose action.

Issues? Bugs?

Please report any issues or bugs you find.