
Animations & transitions for ambitious Ember applications.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Liquid Fire

Comprehensive animation support for ambitious Ember applications.


  • Animated transitions between routes that work seamlesssly with the Ember router.

  • A DSL for laying out your spatial route relationships, cleanly separated from view-layer implementation details.

  • Animated transitions between models within a single route.

  • Animated transitions between individual scalar values within a template.

  • Promise-driven API to control your animation flow.

  • Backed by velocity.js, but easy to extend to other animation drivers if there's interest.


This is an ember-cli addon, so all you need is:

npm install --save-dev liquid-fire


Cross-route animated transitions don't fit neatly into any single part of the Ember architecture. You want the view layer to deal with actually moving DIVs around, etc. But you want the routing layer to decide what the spatial relationship between routes should be.

We split these concerns by establishing a directionality API between routes and views. Routes just say "I'm to the left (or right, or above, etc) of that other route". Views need to know how to transition appropriate in the direction they're told.

More Documentation to Come!

For now, see some examples in my Ember Animation Demo repo, and this video presentation from the Boston Ember Meetup.