These images are part of the bigdata docker image series. All of the images use the same base docker image which contains advanced configuration loading.
It supports configuration based on environment variables (using specific naming convention), downloaded from consul and other plugins (for example to generate kerberos keystabs).
For more detailed instruction to configure the images see the README in the flokkr/docker-baseimage repository.
The easiest way to run a storm cluster is just use the included docker-compose.yaml
Checkout the repository and do a docker-compose up -d
The storm UI will be available at http://localhost:8080
You can adjust the settings in the compose-config file.
To scale up datanode/namenode:
docker-compose scale datanode=3
To check namenode/resourcemanager use the published ports:
- Resourcemanager: http://localhost:8080
- Namenode: http://localhost:50070 (in case of hadoop 2.x)
docker-compose exec resourcemanager /opt/hadoop/bin/yarn jar /opt/hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.8.1.jar pi 16 1000
For more detailed examples check the other repositories under the flokkr organization with runtime- prefix.
There are more detailed examples with using:
- docker-compose (single-host)
- docker-swarm
- consul and docker-compose (multi-host)
- consul and nomad (multi-host)
- kubernetes