Hadoop Setup Scripts


  • Build the Hadoop source tree

    mvn install -Pdist -Dtar -DskipTests -DskipShade -Dmaven.javadoc.skip
  • Add hadoop-sanity-tests/bin directory to your PATH

  • Replace jzhuge with your username in config files

  • Replace GCE.CLOUDERA.COM with your Kerberos realm

Run Hadoop sanity tests

Inside a Hadoop source or binary directory, run:


The command will only run sanity tests in insecure and ssl mode by default. Set TEST_SECURE_MODE to yes to test secure mode as well, or set TEST_MODES to select which modes to test.

The command run sanity tests in all supported Hadoop services by default. Set TEST_SERVICES to select which services to test.

Run Hadoop in pseudo-distributed mode

Start Hadoop in insecure mode

pseudo_dist start config/insecure

Start Hadoop in SSL mode

pseudo_dist start config/ssl

Start Hadoop in secure (SSL and Kerberos) mode

create_keytabs <kdc_host> <fq_hostname> <kerberos_realm>

kdestroy ; kinit -t ~/.config/kerberos/hdfs.keytab hdfs/localhost@<kerberos_realm>
./pseudo_dist start config/secure
kdestroy ; kinit -t ~/.config/kerberos/$USER.keytab

Stop Hadoop

pseudo_dist kill|stop

Environment variables

Name Default Description
HADOOP_HOME (auto) Hadoop home directory
HADOOP_CONF_DIR (auto) Hadoop config directory
TEST_MODES insecure ssl Space delimited list of test modes: insecure, ssl, and secure
TEST_SECURE_MODE (none) Set it to yes to test secure mode as well
TEST_SERVICES hdfs yarn balancer httpfs kms Space delimited list of Hadoop services: hdfs, yarn, balancer, httpfs, and kms