
3D reconstruction process visualization issue

Goughhhhhh opened this issue · 3 comments

There was no 3D reconstruction process visual interface(the interface as shown on the right side of the figure) when I run ./ROSEFsuion example_camera_config.yaml example_data_config.yaml example_controller_config.yaml. But the color image, the depth image and shaded image(the interfaces as shown on the left side of the figure) are displayed, and *.txt and *.ply are generated successfully .
How can I display the 3D reconstruction process visual interface? What should I do? Thanks!
2021-12-07 14-59-52屏幕截图

The full "3D reconstruction process visual interface" is not integrated into the open-source version. It's intended that only RGB, depth and shaded images are displayed, which reduces the complexity of the system.

Thanks for your reply!
Could you tell me how can I do for display this process interface?

@Goughhhhhh You can build your own shader or online transfer (like ROS message) the reconstruction results to some well-built shader.