
A list of personal blogs/newsletters on the Hey World platform

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Hey World Directory

A list of personal blogs/newsletters on the Hey World platform.

Available as a webpage here: https://jfcote.github.io/hey-world-directory/

Hey World is a feature from Hey.com email service that lets you email the web! More detail here. This is truly an awesome feature and this directory has been created to help people discover writers from all over the world!

User Description
jason Jason Fried is the co-founder and president of 37signals. His blogs are about business, software, books...
dhh Founder & CEO at 37signals (makers of Basecamp and HEY). Non-serial entrepreneur, serial author.
jfcote Creator of this directory. Big fan of Hey.com and 37signals in general. 15+ years software developer. Write in french and english on different subjects.

Please help me to create the best directory of Hey World blogs. Create a PR and I will review it and merge it. Thanks!