
A TextMate command to find method, class and module definitions in ruby files. Matches will be searched in the open project, your rubygems directory or an usersupplied path to search. Simply click on a match and browse through the various .rb or .rake files like in a full-fledged ide.

“Find Definition” Textmate Command


  • find ruby method, class and module definitions
  • search in textmate project and your rubygems directory
  • open matching results directly in textmate at exact line
  • ide like search and browse feeling
  • support for custom search path


clone this repository

git clone git://github.com/jzimmek/finddef.git

setup textmate directories

mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/Ruby.tmbundle/Commands

copy finddef to your ruby commands directory

cp ./finddef/Find\ Definition.tmCommand ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/Ruby.tmbundle/Commands/

restart textmate or reload bundles.

you show see a new command “Bundles > Ruby > Find Definition”.


choose a method, class or module by placing the cursor above it and press


finddef will automatically open the matching file when only one match exists, otherwise you can choose from a dialog which file to open.

Search Path

By defaut finddef searches in your open project directory and your rubygems in “/Library/Ruby/Gems/<any>/gems/<any>/lib”.

You can speficy an additional path. Add a new shell variable in TextMate

TextMate > Preferences > Advanced > Shell Variables


example (simple):

Value: /Users/jzimmek/projects

example (multiple comma separated)

Value: /Users/jzimmek/projects/prj1/lib,/Users/jzimmek/legacy/prjX,…


You found a bug, have installation problem or simply like finddef ?

Let me know: jan.zimmek at web.de


finddef is inspired by “Go To Helper Method” and “EasyOpen”.

