
Simple Rust program for mounting drives on Linux.

Primary LanguageRust


Simple Rust program for mounting drives on Linux.

Mounter can mount all of your external hard drives or even drives on a network. You can save your mount points for example your NAS and then you just simply mount it with mounter.

Dependencies/Programs needed

  • mount For mounting drives
  • umount For unmounting drives
  • dmenu/rofi If you want to use dmenu
  • sh For executing scripts
  • lsblk For --all command
  • jq Used in --all command for parsing output from lsblk
  • pkexec If you use sudo with dmenu enabled


Download binary form Github releases and add it to PATH.

How to use

Adding a new mount point to the config

mounter -a NAME

For example

mounter -a nas

Removing a mount point form the config

mounter -r NAME

For example

mounter -r nas

Mounting a drive from the config


Specifying config path

Optionally you can change where the config file will be located.

mounter --config ./preferences.json

Mount any local disk

You can mount any connected disk on your linux machine using --all flag.

mounter --all

No filter

--all flag filters drives that are currently mounted on /, /boot or /home. If you want to show these drives too use the --no-filter flag.

mounter --all --no-filter


See Configuration for configuration.


If you use ask_for_password and use dmenu there is a change that your password will be shown in the polkit dialog.

It really depends on how long the command is because the password is inserted directly to the command and then pkexec shows part of the command in the dialog.


Better error handling

Just generaly better error handling. Better explained error descriptions.

Better ask_for_password implementation

Better ask_for_password implementation for injecting the password to mount command.

Right now the password from ask_for_password is injected to the mount command as a flag like this:

Flag {
    name: String::from("-o"),
    value: Some(format!("password={}", password)),

This is not very good because the command is then shown in the polkit dialog by pkexec. So the part of the password or the entire password is shown there.

I thought about saving the password to a file. and then linking the file to the mount command like this.

Flag {
    name: String::from("-o"),
    value: Some(format!("credentials={}", file_path)),

But there are also some downsides. The main one is that the file could be left over on the file system for example on crash. Also the file would be readable by other programs and people easily. We could theoretically make the file owner root but then we whould have to create more password dialogs or running mounter fully as a root. (I dont want that.)