
Python script to query the ynab API and dump data out to a shared google sheet.

Primary LanguagePython

YNAB gsheets reporter

Gets transactions after a given start date, or defaults from the first of the current month, "normalizes" the payees using a supplied mappings.json file, and then exports a summary to a google sheet.

The "normalizing" was necessary for me, because different locations in a chain will use their particular name as the "payee". For example, Starbucks has

STARBUCKS 00122        VICTORIA      BC
STARBUCKS 00134        DUNCAN        BC

I only care about "Starbucks", so I do a manual map.

It's not a great solution, but it's good enough.

NOTE: I just read a bit more about this, and apparently YNAB has a feature that allows for automatic renaming based on some rules ... USE THAT INSTEAD! I'll update this code (perhaps) when I try out that feature for myself.


python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

.venv/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Create a Google sheet

Set up a sheet for this project to update

Create a google project and get creds

Google project per https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2020/07/read-and-update-google-spreadsheets-with-python/

Share that google sheet with the email from your google creds file!!!


Copy config.ini.example to config.ini, and fill in your details.

Copy mappings.json.example to mappings.json, and fill in your name mappings.


python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

python ynab.py -h
# -h outputs the help:
# usage: ynab.py [-h] [--since_date SINCE_DATE] [--output OUTPUT]

python ynab.py
# Runs using the first of the month as the first entry,
# and updates google sheet.


When it runs, it outputs a list of "Unmapped" entries so that you can add them to your mappings.json.

Cron job

If you have a mac, and are feeling adventursome, you could try setting up a cron job with the bash file in this repo:

crontab -e starts the editor, and add, e.g.:

0 8 * * * pushd /path/to/this/dir && ./update-gsheets.sh && popd >> /tmp/cron.out 2>&1

Then after a few days, when you're sure everything works, remove the >> /tmp/cron.out 2>&1 and rm /tmp/cron.out

Thanks ...

... to https://github.com/danaimone/ynab_pandas_demo for the starting point.